A decongestant, or nasal decongestant, is a type of pharmaceutical drug that is used to relieve nasal congestion in the upper respiratory tract. The active ingredient in most decongestants is either pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine. What do decongestants do? Decongestants are a type of medicine tha...
Official answer: Byvalson (nebivolol and valsartan) is used for the treatment of hypertension, to lower blood pressure. Lowering blood...
Even so, many cases can benefit from an over-the-counter (OTC)expectorantthat helps loosen and thin mucus so that it is easier to cough up.Guaifenesinis the most common expectorant used in OTC medications like Mucinex and Robitussin.5 Wet coughs can often be treated at home with remedies li...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classify glycerin as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). The overall risk of toxicity from glycerin found in pharmaceutical products is low. If one were to come into contact with large, bulk quantities of glycerin, eye irritation may occur. ...
Speaking of germ magnets: If your living situation includes little kids, or you find yourself surrounded by them regularly, you know that winter can be a months-long tissue fest. Keep Mucinex Children’s on hand,* which can help relieve symptoms like coughing, sore throat, and congestion in...
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandates that all medicines have an expiration date. This date is the estimated date at which time the medicine will lose 10 percent of its potency. At this time, the manufacturer no longer guarantees the potency of the medicine. Now, when will a medicine...