Doctor A physician; a member of the medical profession; one who is trained and licensed to heal the sick or injured. The final examination and qualification may award a doctor degree in which case the post-nominal letters are D.O., DPM, M.D., DMD, DDS, in the US or MBBS in the ...
Marc Mitnick DPM home --> apophysitis heel pain in childrenWHAT IS CALCANEAL APOPHYSITISThis condition, otherwise known as Sever’s disease is a painful condition that occurs in the heel bone (calcaneaus) in patients generally between the ages of 10 to 15 years of age. ...
Top 5 Causes of a Burning Type of Pain in the Heels “Burning pain in the heel can be an array of problems,” says Joseph Ciccone DPT, CSCS, a doctor of physical therapy and certified[...] FOOT PAIN,HEEL PAIN,PLANTAR FASCIITIS