MongoDB Enterprise Advanced is the premium, commercially available version of MongoDB Community. It offers enhanced security options and an in-memory storage engine to support enterprise-grade use cases. Key Takeaways MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database used for storing structured, semistructured, ...
MongoDB is a document database designed for ease of application development and scaling. You can run MongoDB in the following environments: MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud MongoDB Enterprise: The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB ...
EbookThe hybrid, open data lakehouse for AI Simplify data access and automate data governance. Discover the power of integrating a data lakehouse strategy into your data architecture, including cost-optimizing your workloads and scaling AI and analytics, with all your data, anywhere. Read the ebook...
MongoDB is a No sql database. It is a open source, cross-platform, document –oriented database written in C++. Basically MongoDB is a open source document
MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database. NoSQL means the database does not use relational tables like a traditional SQL database. There is a range of NoSQL database types, but MongoDB stores data in JavaScript-like objects known as documents, whose content looks like this: { _id: "...
Fields in a MongoDB document can be indexed with primary and secondary indices. MongoDB supports a number of different index types, including single field, compound (multiple fields), multikey (array), geospatial, text, and hashed. Replication ...
MongoDB Atlas is a multi-cloud database service that simplifies deploying and managing your databases.
MongoDB Atlas is a multi-cloud database service that simplifies deploying and managing your databases.
MongoDB updates can include new features, bug fixes, and security updates. Updates are listed in reverse chronological order so that the latest release is at the beginning of the topic.
Scalability.A core function of MongoDB is its horizontal scalability, which makes it a useful database for companies running big data applications. In addition, sharding lets the database distribute data across a cluster of machines. MongoDB also supports the creation of zones of data based on ...