What colony did not sign the Declaration of Independence? What were the differences between the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies? What colony was the home of Plymouth Rock? The British originally established Australia to be what type of colony?
What type of colony was Rhode Island? What led to the Ludlow Massacre? What was the Plantation of Ulster? What type of government did New Hampshire colony have? What did the Luddites do in Britain in 1812? What did Shays' Rebellion expose?
They overwinter in protected spots such as hollow logs, under loose tree bark, or in a soil cavity and emerge in the spring to start a new colony. Solitary wasps depend on their larvae to mature in spring and start a new generation. Bees Bees eat pollen and nectar, feeding it to their...
Of course, the business school was unable to do any analysis of Trump’s 2ndterm economic proposals since there are none. But it was able to“compare Biden’s proposals to where the Congressional Budget Office believes the economy will be in a decade with Mr. Trump’s current plans, includ...
helped create New York's Central Park, had a hand in the development of the modern insanity defense, and was a celebrated if controversial Union Army field general. The best book on Sickle's amazing, checkered and long public life is Thomas Keneally'sAmerican Scoundrel: The Life of the Noto...
Here’s the problem: It is completely legal for a beekeeper to put generic oxalic or formic acid, thymol, or plant oils into their hives for the purpose of colony health, bee repellency, or the cleaning of frames or combs. Neither the EPA or FDA are concerned about risk to ...
#43 Colony Grill (Stamford, Connecticut) MICHAEL McANDREWS/The Hartford Courant In 1935, Colony Grill openedas an Irish-American tavernin Stamford, Connecticut. Over the years, it earned a sparkling reputation for its thin-crust bar pie, best served with the signature spicy pepper-infused "hot...
After returning from his first voyage, he relayed to King Henry IV descriptions of “New France” and then spread out the maps and charts he had made on his wanderings. With an enthusiastic approval from his King, Champlain was sent out again, this time in pursuit of a new colony. With...
June 19, 1865, “Juneteenth,” was the day freedom finally came to the enslaved people of Texas, and is now celebrated as our second American independence day. But African Americans in eastern North Carolina, in counties already occupied by Federal troops, heard the news of the Emancipation ...
I’d long noticed this, and wondered why in the heck a colony would bother to swarm in the late summer—natural selection should have eliminated such suicidal behavior. It just didn’t make sense!Figure 3. Seasonal timing of swarm emergence dates in New York, showing the main late-spring ...