Many railway stations have fast food chain restaurants, such as KFC, McDonald, and Subway, so you can buy items there before boarding. Fresh fruits are popular as they provide both energy and water. Railway attendants pushing the trolley through carriages also sell packed fresh fruits....
I too have a sunflower allergy, which presents as laryngeal edema. Recently, I had an episode after eating half a sub. Subway must have recently changed ingredients in their breads as I have printed lists of most fast food places so I can avoid sunflower and yellow dyes. Now I see sun...
The unique design and breads in Japan are displayed in anime where the character’s parents own bakeries, notably CLANNAD or Digimon Tamers. These aspects of anime probably mean very little to the locals, but for Westerners they are an easy way to learn more about the cuisine. If the ...
Language just plays a big part of why I feel like I have to work that much harder to figure out my trip plans. It could be as simple as trying to get from the subway to a connected building. From experience, I know it’s not as simple as you think because English signage will oft...
‘Yeast breads are hard. Yeast is too easy to kill. Yeast bread recipes take too long to make.’ I feel ya’ and I was with you until very recently. The truth is, yeast breads DO take longer to make due to all that rising, but don’t be fooled – they are EASY to make. I ...
“We tend to not label our products a whole lot, and won’t until there is a government regulation to understand what non-GMO even means, we aren’t going to label products that don’t have specific FDA guidelines.” So this begs the question – what does non-GMO mean to Trader Joe...