What is the tibia connected to? What is tuberosity of the humerus? What type of bone are the tibia and fibula? What is the name of the membrane between the tibia and fibula? What is the most proximal bone in the appendicular skeleton?
What bones articulate with the femur? Which bones articulate with the zygomatic bone? What bones articulate with the tibia? What bones articulate with the frontal bone? What bones articulate with the talus? What type of bone is the humerus?
The posterior tibial artery is a type of blood vessel that begins behind the knee and descends the leg towards the back of the...
Subchondral bone sclerosis. The surfaces of the tibia and femur that lie just beneath knee cartilage can change in composition and harden. (“Chondral” means cartilage;subchondral bone is located just beneath cartilage. “Sclerosis” means hardening.) Cysts and bone marrow lesions. The bone underne...
In the human body, a bone forms the lever and the fulcrum is a joint where a bone can move around the pivot point. The effort force is provided by muscles
is thin, it consists of strong elastic fibers that hold the bones together while also allowing for some movement at the joint. In addition, several ligaments hold the tibia and fibula to each other and to the bones of the foot, further contributing to the structure and stability of the ti...
Hello. Segond fracture is a type of avulsion fracture of the lateral side of tibial plateau. It is located immediately after the surface where tibia contacts with femur in the knee. Avulsion fracture appears when soft tissue tears off bits of bone fragments on the places where these soft tissu...
What attaches bone to bone? The Skeletal System: The skeletal system is made up of hundreds of bones that provide stability to the body. The body also contains different types of connective tissue that connect the bones to each other, or that connect the bones to muscle. ...
What is Tibialgia? (tĭb″ē-ăl′jē-ă) [″ + Gr. algos, pain]Pain in the tibia. What are Myospasms? Myospasm is defined asa sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. Back pain sometimes strikes without warning. One minute you are bending over lifting someth...
What is the quadriceps femoris? Skeletal Muscles: The skeletal muscles are attached to the bones of the skeleton. For example, the muscles that move the leg are generally attached to either the fibula or the tibia. Furthermore, the muscles of the leg generally either extend the knee or flex...