There are various types of insulation commonly found in residential and commercial buildings. Insulation is used to make things airtight and save a person money on their energy bill. Walls, ceilings and floors that are well-insulated will keep cold drafts out during the wintertime, holding the ...
What Are the Different Types of Attic Wall Insulation? What Are the Different Types of Attic Closets? What is an Attic Loft? What are the Different Types of Attic Ventilator? What are the Different Types of Attic Renovation? What are the Different Types of Attic Staircase?
Loose Fill Insulation. Typically cellulose or fiberglass, this insulation is most effective in attics but is becoming more popular in walls. Installers can apply cellulose wet or dry. Wet application sticks to walls and ceilings even after it dries. Rigid Board Insulation. Very effective on concre...
FSK insulation facing, also known asFoil-Scrim-Kraft facing, is a type of insulation facing material commonly used in commercial and residential construction. Its typical using is as insulation material in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. FSK Insulation facing is an outer ...
On the other hand, homes with excellent insulation may only require a smaller system to achieve the same level of comfort, saving both energy and costs. Tip: Always evaluate your home’s insulation before choosing your heat pump size. If you have older windows or insufficient attic insulation...
there are scratching sounds. Never any squeaks. Rats are much larger than mice, so rat sounds should be louder and lower frequency. However, the acoustics of your house, the thickness of the drywall or insulation can play a big part in the volume. Read more aboutRats in the attic. ...
Making your home more energy efficient is one of the easiest ways to lower your carbon footprint, as it means you’re literally using less energy. Home improvement experts recommend tasks such as: Adding an additional layer ofinsulationto your attic areas ...
This means if your attic insulation contains vermiculite – which was mined near Libby, Montana and distributed across North America from 1920-1990s, it likely contains asbestos and may need to be removed by a professional contractor who specializes in this type of work. No matter what kind of...
Loft boards are pieces of rigidfoam boardinsulation that are installed in the floor or rafters of anatticloft of a building. Insulated loft boards consist of thick sheets made out of a lightweight, high-density polystyrene, polyisocyanurate or polyurethane foam. These materials create stifffoam ...
Blown insulation, also called loose fill insulation, is commonly used to insulate existing structures that previously had no insulation, or where additional insulation is needed. It is made up of loose particles which are blown into anatticor into wall cavities, which are the spaces between the...