at least one type of atom and at least one type of molecule. Mixtures can be formed from the intermingling of their constituents in any ratios or proportions (unlike compounds, which are formed from specific ratios of amounts of other elements). Mixtures can be separated into their constituents...
An atom has three types of very tiny particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. The center of an atom is called the nucleus, and it is made up of protons and neutrons. The electrons in an atom fly around and above the nucleus in a cloud-like formation. The protons have a positiv...
A silicone compound is made up of a hydrophobic particle dispersed in silicone oil, which produces a foam control used in a great variety of applications.
Oxide is a termused with the name of a compound if it containsat least one oxygen atom bonded toit.In such compounds, oxygen is found indianion form O²⁻, carrying a -2 charge.These compoundsare formed when oxygen reacts with metals,nonmetals, or metalloids,and for each type, they ...
Strings are so tiny, it's hard to comprehend. If an atom were enlarged to the size of the Earth, a string would only be the size of a tree. You'll need a pretty powerful microscope to get that far. In other words, a string is a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a bi...
What type of hybridization should you assign to each P atom in a P4 molecule? Allotropes of Phosphorus: The two main allotropes of phosphorus are white phosphorus and red phosphorus. While other less common allotropic forms like scarlet phosphorus, black phosphorus, and diphosphoru...
An atom is a microscopic particle made up of even smaller protons, neutrons, and electrons. All the electrons are arranged in a definite pattern of distribution called the electronic configuration. The chemical reactivity of an atom is directly related to its valence shell electronic configuration....
with a hydroxide OH radical, the extra electron is transferred to complete the outermost shell of the OH oxygen atom, which needs two electrons but has only one from the OH hydrogen atom. The electron from the NH4radical is transferred to the OH radical creating an OH-ion and a NH4+ion....
However, it is also used to refer to an atom-type, such as in the statement that "acetic acid contains oxygen", meaning that it contains oxygen atoms. Of course, acetic acid is not an element, and it is not a mixture of elements. In order to make it from the elements, you need...
The number of protons in an atom is called the atomic number and it tells you what type of atom you have. An atomic number of 1 means the atom is hydrogen, atomic number 2 means helium, 3 means lithium, 4 is beryllium, and so on. The total number of protons and neutrons added ...