”, 可是我在美国国家地理原版上看到一句: What kind of animals were dinosaurs ? 这里却使用了名词...
what about your opini what about your time what an amazing thing what an imadverseatio what animals live the what are participles what are the risks in what are you goa do what are you going to what are you shushing what are you talking what are your favorit what are your parents what...
Answer to: Certain types of dinosaurs were bipedal (walked on two legs). What is a good reason that these creatures invariably had long tails if...
While dinosaurs were the largest or most notable group of reptiles living during the Mesozoic era, they were not the only reptiles. Contemporary to dinosaurs were crocodilians, reptiles resembling the crocodiles and alligators of today, and the flying reptiles known as pterosaurs. Neither example is...
Dinosaurs were not only carnivorous but some of them were almost entirely herbivorous.Sounds interesting, continue reading to know what did dinosaurs eat and learn about their diet and feeding behavior.
sweepofthelandandthestoicism (坚韧)ofthe peoplemovehertosomebeautifulwriting.Here isapictureofDorothy Woodruff,onherhorse, lookingdownfrom ahilltop:“Whenthesun slippedbehindthemountains,itshedarosyglow allaroundthem.Thenafull moonrose.The snow wasmarkedonlybysmallanimals:foxes, coyotes,mice,andvaryinghare...
You can tell what the carnivores like T-Rex and Velociraptor ate just by looking at their teeth. These dinosaurs had long, serrated teeth that was designed for one purpose and one purpose alone: ripping flesh from the bones of other dinosaurs. This would have made these animals the apex pre...
Amongst these extinct animals were theMoa birdand theWoolly mammoth. The giant Moa was one of the largest flightless birds of all time, standing up to 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall. (Ostriches, which are the largest living flightless bird today, only reach around 9 feet tall). The Woolly mam...
Sixty-five million years ago, a massive asteroid crashed into the Earth. It wiped out 70 per cent of all life, including the most successful, the dinosaurs. But what if the asteroid had missed? What would the world be like today if the dinosaurs had surv
We can make a guess.New kinds of animals came to the earth.Some had big brains and were fast and strong.They could kill dinosaurs.Some ate dinosaur eggs,too. There may be other reasons that we do not know about.Each year,people will find some dinosaur footprints(脚印)...