我们已经对限定词有了些许了解,这期视频我们来具体看看形容词吧! We have already discussed determiners and other categories in previous videos. This video will tell you about adjectives.声明: Aze Linguistics始创于YouTube(www.youtube.com/, 视频播放量 860
The meaning of WHAT is —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter. How to use what in a sentence.
The subject of a sentence is the noun or noun phrase that performs the main action of the sentence or is the main focus of the sentence.A subject can be easily identified by asking the question “who?”. It mostly appears at the beginning of a sentence when used as a subject. Examples...
You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the page What is an Adjective?1. An adjective is a word that tells us more about a verb a noun 2. In the language of grammar, adjectives ___ nouns. modify activate 3. "These flowers ...
and describenounsandpronouns. And if you know your adjectives, you know that they are usually comfortable sitting right next to their beloved nouns and pronouns. But did you know that there is a special name for thetype of adjectivethat is located right beside its best noun or pronoun friend...
This leads to a common type of mistake: using an adverb when what you want is a predicate adjective. Here’s an example you’ve probably heard before: I feel badly about what happened. Because feel is a verb, it may seem to call for an adverb rather than an adjective. But feel isn...
An adjective is a word that’s used to modify or describe the qualities or states of being of a noun or pronoun. My parents own a giant, fluffy dog. There were three noisy geese in the pond. That’s the tallest building I’ve ever seen. ...
fatter,more obese,more heavyset,more corpulent,flabbier,ampler,grosser,tubbier,beefier,more enormous,porkier,more thickset,more cumbersome,pudgier,more blubbery,more porcine,poddier,podgier,wider,more potbellied,thicker,pursier,more elephantine,more overstuffed,more well-padded,more overnourished…more...
Theadjective phraseis a phrase that performs the describing or modifying function in a sentence. It can be a string of describing words or it can be an intensifier plus descriptor. String example: It was acold but sunnyday. Intensifier example: ...
able best better busy clear easy excellent fast free good hard new open real social strong true unique vast worried Adverb,Conjunction,Determiner,Interjection,Noun,Preposition,Pronoun,Verb,Word classes