Lando T is an excellent pivot bc of its typing. Similar for Mons Like Genesect/Scizor, Pheromosa for offensive pivots or Corviknight Tomohawk or Ferrothorn for defensive. There are offensive pivots with less than ideal types that make up for it via speed or abil...
Lando T is an excellent pivot bc of its typing. Similar for Mons Like Genesect/Scizor, Pheromosa for offensive pivots or Corviknight Tomohawk or Ferrothorn for defensive. There are offensive pivots with less than ideal types that make up for it via speed or ability....
Bandai “30 Minute Missions” – Acerby (Type-B) Bandai “30 Minute Missions” – Acerby (Type-C) Bandai “30 Minute Missions” – Acerby (Type-D) Bandai “30 Minute Missions” – Acerby (Type-E) Bandai “30 Minute Missions” – Alto Dark Gray Bandai “30 Minute Missions” – Bask...
The wildcard, which can cause Machamp and Tyranitar problems if selected, is one of Arlo's final options, Scizor. The Bug- and Steel-type are only weak against Fire-type attacks, so it can be worth picking a strong Fire-type Pokémon, such as Charizard or Ho-Oh in case it is select...
Scizor by Matt Bankey Pokemon A cool Bug-type Pokemon that can represent the 2nd generation of Pokemon! by Matt Bankey 3 Alex Commanda Matt Bankey Maxwell Rochette Mike Jones by Matt Bankey StarTropics Another classic underrated NES game, with a protagonist that has a lot of moveset ...
Learn Type Weaknesses in Pokémon How to Evolve Eevee into Espeon or Umbreon in Pokémon How to Evolve Scyther into Scizor & Kleavor How to Evolve Magikarp in Any Pokémon Game How toCatch Articuno in Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green How to Emulate Pokémon on iPhone How toEvolve Onix How...
because you loophole-finders out there might be tempted to inquire about Choice Specs Hidden Power Ground Genesect or Heatran without a damaging Fire-type attack, neither of which are even close to common. And as shown in the Mega Aerodactyl example, Scizor and Landorus-T counter certain standa...
Use "switch-in" when referring to a Pokemon that often switches in on another (Scizor is a common switch-in to Latias.). Do not use a hyphen when using "switch in" as a verb. ABBREVIATIONS The standard term for the double battle metagame is 2v2. Use DPP as an abbreviati...
Dark Pulse is a secondary STAB with a pretty decent flinch chance. The 3rd slot it really depends on preference, Flamethrower is for Fire Coverage, which can be useful especially for checking Scizor, however Superpower provides nice mixed coverage, with the ability to 2KO Chansey. Taunt is to...
liking Ampharos as a result of an amazing looking Neo Ampharos card of a friend of mine, or wanting a Scizor because I had that particular Scizor holographic card from the Neo Discovery card set. I legit leveled my Scyther all the way up thinking it would evolve in a Scizor, consequentl...