— but because the meaning of the term “Universalist” has changed over the years. For instance, I consider myself a humanist Universalist. I am not Christian — I’m not even a theist — and I don’t believe in Heaven, and yet I am still a Universalist. More on this later. James...
Jason. I agree with you that the onus of proof us on the two extremes and as a 'positive theist' I've done a number of hubs on some of the things we believe point to God's existence that I'd be happy to debate on those hubs. See you there Lawrence JasonKClarkon October 16, 20...
In these last days, the shift away from the humanist worldview of the liberal left has opened the door for revival unlike any time since the Reformation. The fields are truly white with the last days’ harvest. But they are like sheep without a Shepherd. The Bible depicts two harvests in...
But when the Syrians marched, their rights did not matter, what mattered was the ideological and dogmatic things activists started to accept as the norm when supporting a “lesser evil” while also believing they were in the right and progressive. If there are terrorists, it is commonly held ...
—which kinda meant quickly dropping off a note or two here to at least say, “Hey, I skipped inserting the music and the intro but don’t worry it is intentional….hope you don’t mind?” There are so many things we got to do in this final episode, but also so many things we ...
It’s a sight to savour, and you can enjoy the two pages on Facebook created for the purposes of “exposing” the Fake Experts”hereandhere. There are so many “proofs” that they provide that the currently popular western “Experts” such as Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Tim Anderson an...
Einstein used the words “God” and “religion” to mean different things at different times. His definitions of these words often do not match the meanings of these words as they are commonly used. We must look to the context to determine how to interpret his words. There are two quotes...
In the Transhumanist utopia, both of the following two narratives are oftentimes neatly integrated (Bainbridge,2013): Through virtual realities in which one could experience various identities in the forms of virtual avatars, and in which one could experience pieces of art and experiences of utmost...
Christian Humanism | Definition & History from Chapter 1 / Lesson 14 90K Learn about Christian Humanism. Understand the definition of Christian Humanism, Renaissance Christianity, and why Christian Humanists called for reform in the church. Related...
In these last days, the shift away from the humanist worldview of the liberal left has opened the door for revival unlike any time since the Reformation. The fields are truly white with the last days’ harvest. But they are like sheep without a Shepherd. The Bible depicts two harvests in...