is a security process requiring users to provide two forms of identification to access their accounts or data. 2FA provides an extra security layer beyond the traditional username and password login. The two factors can be classified as follows: ...
3.What two factors explain why medieval Europeans did not use spices to cover the taste of spoiled meat? [Click on 2 answers.] A. Fresh meat was less expensive than spices were. B. Spices were mainly used in incense and perfume. C. The sale of spoiled food was prohibited. D. Salt...
There are two types of currents namely deep water current and surface water current. These currents define the character and flow of water across the earth. These currents are caused by differences in water density.Answer and Explanation:
Therefore, the total dissolved solids test is used as an indicator test to determine the general quality of the water. The sources of total dissolved solids can include all of the dissolved cations and anions. Still, the following table can be used to generalize the relationship of...
The United States is mostly amarket economy. Producers determine what’s sold and produced, and what prices to charge. If they expect to succeed, they will produce what consumers want and charge what consumers are willing to pay. Through these decisions, the laws of supply and demand determine...
The simplest, and most commonly used, type of multiplexing isduplexing, in which two genes are amplified in a single reaction. Typically, in a relative qPCR experiment designed to determine the fold change differences in gene expression, these will be a single gene ...
On the one hand, potential barriers to innovation can certainly be attributed to structural conditions, i.e., environmental factors such as social and political structures, technical infrastructure, or the school itself and its organizational specifics [17]. On the other hand, these barriers also ...
NAFTA did not eliminate regulatory requirements on companies wishing to trade internationally, such as rule-of-origin regulations and documentation requirements that determine whether certain goods can be traded under NAFTA. Thefree tradeagreement also contained administrative, civil, and criminal penalties ...
"For example, the same patriarchal factors that say women are weak and disregard women's strengths also say that men cannot express emotion, which is linked to men's mental health issues and the higher rates of death by suicide for men," Myers wrote in an email. ...
In summary, although it has its drawbacks, a project management plan that follows the Waterfall methodology is very effective in situations where you work in a familiar scenario with various known factors, and where the client knows exactly what they want from the beginning. ...