In the remaining STAR TREK: PRODIGY season one episodes, as the hopeful crew makes their way towards Starfleet, their dreams are threatened when they discover the U.S.S. Protostar harbors a weapon designed to tear the United Federation of Planets apart. To make matters worse, the real Vice ...
I had a few of the Celestron weights but needed more. I used egg-shaped lead fishing sinkers of varying weight that were pounded into disks. A hole was then drilled down the center so a coupler nut could be hammered in. A small threaded stud was lock-tited into one side. The weights ...
Everything we know about the formation of solar systems might be wrong, saysUniversity of Floridaastronomy professor Jian Ge and his postdoc, Bo Ma. They’ve discovered the first “binary–binary” – two massive companions around one star in a close binary system, one so-called giant pl...