Eriosoma lanigerum is a species of aphids that largely feed on the bark and roots of apple trees. They leave a swollen gall on the stems where they have fed on it. Rose Aphids Macrosiphum rosae is a species of aphid commonly found in rose gardens. They infest rosebushes as their main...
A quick search of Google for “bleeding trees” will pull up some fascinating images if you have not seen them already, and there are some quite graphic shots of the stuff pumping forcibly from trees. But was there some sinister reason for these eruptions of deep red sap? Of course, much...
The sap will flow out of the tree due to this pressure. We're often asked, you know, doesn't that hurt the trees when you drill holes in them? Well, the sap you extract is only a small portion of the trees’ total production, and the hole, it heals over by the next year. So...
Packagers like Drink Simple tap maple trees in the spring when the sap is running. Rather than boil it down to make maple syrup, they bottle the fluid. The sap is a lightly sweet and refreshing alternative to plain water that contains “a little bit of natural sugar for optimal osmolality...
After the strands have been dried, they should be soaked in order to make them more flexible. This may be confusing to a beginning weaver, as the first step involves drying the strands. The purpose in doing so is to remove the sap, while soaking the branches allows moisture to penetrate ...
overhanging trees. The sides of this tree may have escaped the frost because they extend over loose, open soil that was "breathing out" warm air during the night. The damage occurred on limbs overhanging the junipers, where the ground's warmth may have been trapped beneath the ever...
Gum base is a complex mixture of natural and synthetic polymers, resins, elastomers, and plasticizers.The exact composition of gum base varies depending on the manufacturer and product line. However, all gum bases have some common characteristics that make them suitable for use in chewing gum.Gum...
The sap will flow out of the tree due to this pressure. We're often asked, you know, doesn't that hurt the trees when you drill holes in them? Well, the sap you extract is only a small portion of the trees’ total production, and the hole, it heals over by the next year. So...
Longhorn beetle Infested trees can die at a rapid pace. The best solution to handling longhorn beetles is nothing but uprooting the trees they infest and not letting them spread. Since these bugs have no natural enemies here in the states, as of now, this is the only solution to stop them...
Herbaceous plantsare vascular plants, which means that they have a vascular system. It’s similar to the one humans have and transportswater around the plant. All herbaceous plants also have soft, fleshy stems—not the woody ones found on shrubs and trees. Most flowers, vegetables, and housepl...