Germany: One of Hitler's main goals when he took control of Germany was to bring Germany back to the dominate global power it had been before World War I. He began with breaking the Treaty of Versailles, which had limited German borders. Hitler felt that the expansion of Germany was the...
And they will probably remain deeply sore points until the last survivors — which includes children born during WW2 and any who associate the post-WW2 rationing systems they experienced with things they heard their parents say about Germany — have died. “Never let the Germans forget for a mi...
3Treaty with France Saratoga served as the turning point in the war as it persuaded the French to sign a treaty with the Americans in 1778, a treaty that both Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin had been negotiating. About 6,000 French troops joined Washington's Continental Army and the F...
Highly unlikely that their will be a full-blown war unless some nervous trigger-happy field commander makes a mistake. Even more unlikely that China would risk WWIII by trying to claim Korea. I believe Korea will follow the same path as Germany and eventual reuinification ...
France, United Kingdom, and Germany would need to kick in an extra one percent (the first two for their global interests, the latter for nuclear protection). Their collective GDP is $9.6 trillion, yielding a charge of $96 billion. Canada, another member of NATO, has a GDP of $1.8 ...