2 Parts: the brain and the spinal cord Reflex- a quick, automatic response to a stimulus Nervous System (PNS) 2 Parts: sensory and motor Sensory- transmits impulse from sense organs to CNS Ex. Hand on hot stove sends message to CNS Motor- transmits impulse from the CNS to muscle/glan...
Which part of a neuron transmits an electrical signal to a target cell? What is neural plasticity? What is the name of the neuron fiber that carries impulses toward the cell body? What has a cell body, dendrites, and an axon? What are somatic motor neurons?
When aroma molecules are inhaled, the olfactory receptors are stimulated and send nerve impulses to the olfactory bulb. From the bulb, nerve impulses are passed on to the olfactory cortex of the brain via the olfactory tract. (Photo Credit : gritsalak karalak/ Shutterstock) Damage to the olfac...
CNS vs. PNS:The central nervous system (CNS) comprises the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) includes all the nerves and ganglia outside the central nervous system. The basic unit of both the CNS and PNS is the neuron. Neurons transmit electrochemical signals to ...
the body, the cell bodies of neurons are often found in distinct anatomical clusters, with the axons and dendrites relegated to the structural periphery. This aggregation of cell bodies allows for the high-level processing of nervous-system impulses both within the CNS and outside it in the ...
What structure of the eye transmits impulses to the brain? Which of these regions between the optic chiasma and the posterior border of the mammillary bodies? O hypothalamus O cerebrum O cerebellum O thalamus What layer of the skin is composed mainly of dense irregu...
impulse reaches the gray matter in the brain as an integrating center, the synapse between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron, (4) impulses triggered by the integrating center propagate along the motor neuron, and (5) the part of the body that responds to the moto...
Post-Synaptic Cells: Summations & Potentials from Chapter 14/ Lesson 4 3.8K Post-synaptic cells respond to electric or chemical (neurotransmitter) stimuli. This lesson will consider temporal and spatial summation in the stimulation of post-synaptic cells, as well as excitatory and inhib...
Which part of a neuron transmits an electrical signal to a target cell? What is the sympathetic chain ganglia? What kinds of neurons make up the peripheral nervous system? What is the name of the neuron fiber that carries impulses toward the cell body?
Neurons or nerve cells are the main cellular type of the nervous system. Neurons are in charge of transmitting information in form of electrical impulses from neuron to neuron. Between neurons are gaps called synapses in which the signal is transmitted through chemical molecules to the next neuron...