Synopsis: "Treasure Trackers" follows California surfer Leah who must relocate to the small town of Carterville, where she bands together fellow misfits Marshy and Tessa to track down the town’s mythic treasure. When the trio uncovers the truth behind the treasure’s Halloween curse, ...
In the end, John will uncover the town's horrific secret, a portal on his land, and make one last attempt to save his son before the shadow people permanently take him away to their world. Soul Survivors (2001) More like this >> A female collage co-ed freshman who was involved in ...
Due to over a dozen deaths in a 10 year span, in 1888, an arrangement had been made between the town of Stamford and the Railroad Company to abolish the Taylor’s Crossing site. It was considered a ‘grade crossing’, (where railroads and roads cross at the same level) and due to th...
Says the narrator: “In January 1889, Nietzsche had a mental breakdown while he was in Turin, Italy. After this episode, Nietzsche was unable to speak or write and was institutionalized for the rest of his life.” Nietzsche died in 1900 at the age of 55,” but his influence didn’t. ...
30 Places You Might Run into a Celebrity in The Hudson Valley Hollywood on The Hudson is real! It seems like there's a new celebrity sighting in the Hudson Valley. Here are a few of the hot spots that you may run into a celeb while walking around town. ...
The Avengers is one of the all time great Marvel movies, it did something no-one had ever seen before, bringing together a team of superheroes, which had taken years and multiple movies to set up. While we’ve had many superhero team up movies since, this was the original and the New...
Franz Liszt was born in Hungary (thanks to some later border shifts, the town of his birth is now in Austria) and was considered a child prodigy. He studied under Antonio Salieri (yes, the Amadeus guy) and was said to have impressed both Beethoven and Schubert when he made his ...
mail to every person in the United States. That means a Post Office and a Postmaster and probably a Mail Carrier in every small town. Other delivery services can focus on profitable markets and let small-town customers make the drive to the nearest big town if they want to use their ...
Four best friends chase their dreams alongside fashion’s elite while juggling demanding jobs, romantic dilemmas and wild nights on the town. Lookism –NETFLIX ANIME In a society that favors good looks, a high school outcast leads a double life switching between his two bodies that are polar ...
The town took the land by eminent domain. Undertake Hence, to guarantee; to promise; to affirm. And he was not right fat, I undertake. And those two counties I will undertakeYour grace shall well and quietly enjoiy. I dare undertake they will not lose their labor. Take To get possessio...