They always wear the same dowdy clothes.dowdy['daʊdɪ]:(形容人的外观或服装)过时的,古板的 07:24 - Can I get you anything else?- No. You've already given me more than enough to chew on.chew on:字面意思是“细细咀嚼”,也表示“考虑”和“细细品味,细想”的意思。Beth假装自己是一个寡...
French People Never Wear Berets 06:03 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语外教带你学法语冠词怎么用/Understanding French articles 07:40 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法国人对工作的爱与恨/What Do You Love or Hate About Your Job 13:34 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法国人从来不工作?法国人聊工作/French ...
who to initiate who to measure the al who u are who was leonardo da v who will give water t who will monitoring who will not reasonis who will remember me who will understand w who will wear who wins who wish who wishes to contact who would have guesse who would have though whos dr...
Street shoes may not be appropriate for cheer practice. Depending on the type of cheer technique your squad uses most, you may be asked to wear half jazz shoes or go barefoot for certain dance or gymnastics-based routines. Otherwise, regular running shoes are fine. When you first join the ...
On glue=not thinking clearly 犯傻,冒傻气例句 She must have been on glue to wear that dress to the party. It makes her look so bad. 她穿那件裙子去晚会真是冒傻气。那看起来差劲极了。 Are you on glue? I've told you millions of times that I don't like seafood. Why do you order ...
wearitanymore.Beingalittleoutofstyle,yourold T-shirtneedsanewhomewhereitcanbeappreciated. Onecityin Torontohasstartedaprojecttogiveit one. EarlierthisyeartheTorontosuburbsof Markhamintroducedanew program encouragingitsresidentsandresidentsofnearbysuburbstodonatetheir oldunwantedclothing.Theprogramisexceptionalbecaus...
Many companies have "dress down Friday", when people wear casual clothes. In Germany, first names are only used with family members and close friends, so be prepared to use titles and last names. In the USA you will usually be invited to use first names almost immediately. The British ...
One day while on a walk, he realized that his shoes were starting to wear out. He knew he had to buy a new pair. But he didn’t want to buy the wrong shoes. He collected some books and spent a lot of time ...
23. used as an auxiliary to replace an earlier verb or verb phrase to avoid repetition: he likes you as much as I do. 24. (tr) informal to visit or explore as a sightseer or tourist: to do Westminster Abbey. 25. (tr) to wear out; exhaust 26. (intr) to happen (esp in the...
Zumba is a way of dance which involves lots of movement and if you have decided to wear a low cut top, then it may lead you to trouble while dancing. Bending down, jumping around, leaping forward, many movements of Zumba can be troublesome for you and highly revealing. So keep yourself...