Highschool DxD follows the protagonist Issei Hyodo, an admittedly perverted average high school boy who is killed and then reincarnated as a devil in service of a devil princess. He becomes part of her family of devils and ends up fighting time after time on her behalf. Issei isn’t always...
I felt like a non-RA’er on the outside looking in, trying to figure out what’s going on. What is a rheumatoid arthritis flare anyway?Now, I was really in trouble. Was I going to get an “F” at Google University, too? Was it another conflict between the reality of my ...
"I might never get anywhere, but I want to try," she said.But she has certainly gone somewherelim_(h/n∞)dedxdθ - to say the least, the real-life Zain able to his future.A. fortanωte B. cC. attractiveD. desperateA. urgedB. producedC. watchedD. inspiredA. audiencesB.sinε...