Before we check out some of the best available models, we should talk about how to properly use them. As with all tools, safety comes first. Wear long pants and protective eyewear, to stay away from debris. Stay close to the concrete while edging, in order not to edge too far into th...
Creating a straight, defined border for a lawn, especially along a sidewalk or driveway, is one of the primary uses of a landscape edger. It may also be used to separate areas of a landscape, such as lawn grass from flowerbeds. In some cases, landscape edging may be necessary to keep ...
The purpose of spreading fresh concrete is to place concrete as close as possible to finish level to facilitate straightedging/screeding the concrete. Short handled, square ended shovels are recommended for spreading concrete. A come-along (a tool that looks like a hoe and has a long straight ...
Normally, the use of a medium-high pen grade, cutback bitumen would not present a problem to the driveway user, as long as a degree of care was taken over the first few days to ensure that vehicles with power-steering do not scuff the surface by turning 'on-the-spot'. Under normal ...
The best method for creating a cheap driveway is to install it personally. Driveways may be made of concrete, gravel, or asphalt. Whether creating one as a do-it-yourself project or allowing a contractor to do the work, gravel is typically the most cost-saving.
A driveway winds it’s way to the perfect clearing. Over the set-up period, a couple of geodomes pop up here as well as a fire or two and some plumbing. A rope swing sways gently back and forth before my six-year-old leaps on it thus finding his main activity for the whole we...
See what not to fix when selling a house. Use the advice to make the best improvement decisions that help improve return on investment.
also the sand may wash away, causing stones to settle.Gravel—really no problems here, just use the right type of gravel. Better yet, use road base gravel for the foundation and then use stone dust aka quarry screenings aka grit aka quarry dust as the final leveling agent....
“Toronto’s best pizza near my house” and get good results. Instead of focusing on keywords, a latent search is attuned to the meaning behind the question. The reason it’s so difficult: It’s a lot easier to use an algorithm based on keywords than it is to figure out a way to ...