we explore what’s the best bedding for chickens. This is an important choice because good bedding provides comfort for your chickens, helps you keep your coop clean and contributes to a flock’s overall
Identifying, treating, and preventing bumblefoot is key to raising a healthy flock. Learn how to keep your chickens’ feet bumblefoot-free and healthy for a fulfilling life.
No need to wear gloves or nose plugs as odor is gone! For poultry: the organic probiotic in DooKashi will help kick-start your compost pile, ensuring your bedding will break down into compost more quickly. Great news for breaking down pine shavings which experienced chicken keepers know ...
I've written this article because I love lavender and use it as a relaxing aromatherapy oil for myself. I grow it in our garden in Italy and in my chicken run, and I hang bunches of it both in our house and in the chicken coop. There's no actual scientific research (that I'm ...
That’s it for this week. Prepping is all about staying prepared without getting overwhelmed. What did you do to prep this week? Let me know in the comments! Stay safe, MD Creekmore I actually canned on our gas camp stove and taught our young neighbor how to can her chicken. I’ve ...
Take a look at this pagefor more information about what you'll get and how to sign up. What to do. Get into the habit of cleaning the coop and runregularly. Clear droppings from bedding every day, and clean out the bedding itself (or make sure it's turned if using thedeep litter ...
While paper-based litter used in a cat's litter box cannot be used in the garden or compost pile, livestock bedding and paper-based items from a rabbit cage or chicken coop can all be added to yourcompost pileto decompose into organic matter to nourish your soil. ...
Feeding chickens can be relatively straight forward if you use a formulated, complete feed to suit the age of your birds. For backyard poultry keepers, almost all chicken feed comes as a pellet which contains all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals they need. It is a complete, balanced ...
“as rare as Hens Teeth”). To grind down their food they need to use grit and their gizzard which is a strong muscular organ that forms part of their digestive system. Chickens pick up grit whilst foraging and retain it in their gizzard to perform this grinding process. It is for this...
As the manure and bedding “compost” they create heat for your flock in winter. It keeps down the humidity in the coop. Too much dampness in a coop can cause frostbite. It makes cleaning the coop easier. It give the ducks a nice place to bed down for the night. ...