Devils Tower is a popular site for rock climbers, who generally use the “traditional” method of climbing, in which no climbing aids are left behind when the climb is finished. Nevertheless, local tribes do not approve of climbing the structure, because they consider doing so to be sacrilegio...
王博士天地古今乐 天文地理人文艺术科学海外找乐呵 大土墩竟然也是景点,里面,却还真不是土墩 | 远看是个大大的土墩,近看,原来是个巨,巨大的火炉,怀俄明州的景点,devils tower,what!塔!曾两次路过它,开过去要2小时,就没去, #旅游景区 #美国 #生活方式 #旅行 #旅游景区 #出境旅游 #旅游地理 #国际 #经济...
Yellowstone sees thousands of visitors a year, and many of them come to see the Milky Way in the park. If you don't mind the crowds, Yellowstone has some of the best uninterrupted views of the heavens with very little light pollution. Bridger Teton Canva Pro Bridger Teton If you want to...