people I knew) chastened me for speaking (or crying) about my husband’s death.“Stop crying,” they’d say, or “You already told me,” or “But that was last month, so why are you still crying about it?” or “Everyone has troubles, so you need to get over it and move on....
The first Thanksgiving after someone dies (and the second and the third and the next and the next …) is harder than you can imagine if you haven’t yet lost a loved one. Like so much of living with loss, the absence throbs. Traditions might serve as lifelines to keep mourners steady...
Rhonda Strehlow
you handle the mom. Tell her that you'd just sit home and watch TV and die, but you've got to go through the motions and try to save her daughter's life. It
My husband has an IRA with Fidelity and they have quoted me a 20 year Certain annuity for him with Principal. When I go into your site and use the Annuity Calculator the amount is higher than what he was quoted. Are your rates estimated since I also received a quote from another source...
When choosing an immediate annuity, you can choose how frequently you receive payments – often referred to as the “mode". While annuity buyers typically choose to receive payments monthly, you may choose quarterly or even yearly instead. ...
“How lucky is it to have someone so wonderful that it makes saying goodbye so hard. You and your family are in our thoughts.” What To Write On Funeral Flower Bouquet When sending a funeral flower bouquet, here are some ideas to look to concerning what exactly to say. Short and sweet...
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave it to her husband who was with her and ate it (Genesis 3:4-6). Who do you think the serpent really...
Mee Ali, a happily married woman, is friends with Kauna, whose husband abuses her. Then Kauna’s husband dies unexpectedly. As the novel progresses, and Kauna faces suspicion from the village, Andreas moves back in time to reveal how these relationships came to be. Nigeria Purple Hibiscus ...
On the main page ofTealAshes.comI relay“What to Say When Someone Dies” (and what NOT to say)based primarily on my experiences after my husband’s unexpected death. I’ve networked with thousands of other people who’ve mourned significant losses. Most mean well in attempts to comfort the...