This type of language is often referred to as victim blaming, where the gaslighter will make statements that cause you to feel like you are the problem, even when you have fallen victim to something such as bullying or abuse and the situation is outside of your direct control.这种类型的语...
Anyway, I just had to get out of there, and I started wondering, "Why am I doing this, " and "Who am I doing this for?" 无论如何,我必须离开那里,然后我开始思考:"我为什么这样做,我为了谁这样做?" So anyway, I just didn't know where to go, and I know that you and I have kind...
The experiment was straightforward: 21 TT therapists stuck their hands, palms up, through a screen. Emily held her own hand over one of theirs-left or right-and the practitioners had to say which hand it was. When the results were recorded, they'd done no better than they would have by...
When something bad happens, such aslosing your job, people may say to "just stay positive" or "look on the bright side." While such comments are often meant to be sympathetic, they can shut down anything the other person might want to say about what they are experiencing. After experienci...
The key is to strike a balance between living a happy financial life and a healthy one. Splurge on upgrades occasionally, but not at the expense of your savings or retirement. Discover what financial experts say you should save per month and see how you stack up against the...
Conscious experience is a widespread phenomenon. It occurs at many levels of animal life, though we cannot be sure of its presence in the simpler organisms, and it is very difficult to say in general what provides evidence of it. (Some extremists have been prepared to deny it even of mamm...
Sometimes school closures are long, drawn-out processes. Other times shutdowns can seemingly happen overnight. But the first step for students when they hear the news that their college is closing is to get their records as soon as possible, experts say. Records to gather include transcripts,...
of thinking that you hadn't considered. If you shut down other people, you can't expect them to be receptive when you weigh in. A good way to approach such a situation would be to say, "It sounds like your experience is quite different from mine—would you be willing to share more?
Growing up, I had people telling me I was too stow, though, with an IQ of 150 + 3 at 17, I am ’ anything but stupid. The fact was that I was found to have ADHD (注意力缺陷多动障碍) .Anxious all the time, I was unable to keep focused for more than an hour at a time. ...
Also, always keep in mind that when it comes to making conversation,the way you talk is often much more important that what you actually say. If you are confident and at ease, people will love talking with you and what you say becomes secondary. ...