Much of my ministry is focused on prayer. Every Thursday morning, I and a number of students atSoutheastern Seminarygather to start the day in prayer—and God is beginning to spread that fire on our campus. Over the years, though, I’ve learned that church leaders vary considerably in thei...
"Bridgeman Baptist Community Church" What should I pray for pm service (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
if you are unwell, you may have a prayer request for your health and recovery. We are called to support one another in prayer. James 5:16 says PRAY ONE FOR ANOTHER. Prayer requests allow us to not pray vaguely or amiss. The layout people’s needs, so we would know...
2. You pray less for your church and its leaders.That happens because your desire to support them and intercede for them is changing. In fact, you might even be struggling with figuring outhowto pray. 3. Your long-term friendships in the church seem less and less significant....
Parents. communicate the real reason for a relationship with God Many of us who grew up in church were taught the reason Jesus came to this earth was to save us from Hell so we could go to Heaven. Your kid isn’t going to Hell regardless of their beliefs. A literal Hell isn’t bibl...
If an area of life feels like it gets easily tangled up in sin, ask a church leader to share some scriptural truths that might help you walk in the Lord’s plan more fully. Ask a trusted person to pray for you if you struggle with obedience. All Christians struggle, but ...
Advent symbolizes the church's present situation in these “last days” (Acts 2:17, Hebrews 1:2) as God’s people wait for the return of Christ in glory to consummate his eternal kingdom. The church is in a similar situation to Israel at the end of the Old Testament: in exile, wait...
Not in the Church Age, and not during the Tribulation. “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” (Luke 17:33) The second question asks, “Upon what grounds will a believer be saved during the Tribulation?” The short...
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Elaine, Rachael, and Rebecca, as well as all our dedicated lay leaders and volunteers. I am grateful for all the new melodies I learned from Rebecca, Fran and our adult and student choirs, and for the times they indulged me by ...
Around this season in our parenting, our pastor and church leaders started to challenge our church family to examine how we engage with our community. Our pastor encouraged us to investigate the questionWhat are you for? It’s a relevant inquiry as Christians are increasingly known for what we...