Healthcare providers do not exactly know what causes schizophrenia. Providers believe that it is caused by brain chemicals not being balanced. The following may increase your risk:A family history of schizophrenia Being male or younger than 30 years Exposure to certain toxins or a virus before ...
Riecher-Rössler A, Löffler W, Munk-Jorgensen P (1997) What do we really know about late-onset schizophrenia? Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 247:195–208Riecher-Ro¨ssler A, Lo¨ffler W, Munk-Jorgensen P (1997) What do we really know about late-onset schizophrenia? Eur Arch ...
Application of a neuropsychological perspective to the study of schizophrenia has established a number of important facts about this disorder. Some of the key findings from the existing literature are that, while neurocognitive impairment is present in most, if not all, persons with schizophrenia, the...
Schizophrenia is an illness affecting the brain and rooted within the biological functions of the brain cells. It is a very complex illness which is still not completely understood, although it has been studied in detail for over 100 years since it was first described by Dr Emil Krapelin in ...
Though about 1% of people have schizophrenia, 虽然只有 1% 的人患有精神分裂症, children or siblings of people with schizophrenia are ten times likelier 精神分裂症患者的 孩子或亲人的发病率 to develop the disease, 比其他人高十倍。 and an identical twin of someone with schizophrenia ...
Research also suggests that suicide is the largest contributor to life years lost among people with schizophrenia, who overall have a life expectancy that’s 10 years shorter than the general population's. [1] Read on to learn more about schizophrenia and suicide risk, including why people with...
what’s called the ‘schizophrenia zone’ in psychology. It contains clues about the mental state of the child. Do you see this particular shape drawn here? YON-KYO Yes. Yes, I do. Yon-Kyo suddenly looks up from the drawing and stares at the large framed picture on the wall. YON...
DAOA is shown to be activating DAO. Because of their functions these two proteins are thought to be related with schizophrenia. Association studies also showed that these two are associated with schizophrenia in some populations from different regions of the world. Although positive associations were...
Schizophrenia was first identified more than a century ago, but we still don't know its exact causes. It remains one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized illnesses today. So what do we actually know about its symptoms, causes, and treatments? Anees
Schizophrenia was first identified more than a century ago, but we still don’t know its exact causes. It remains one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized illnesses today. So, let’s walk through what we do know— from symptoms to causes and treatments. ...