If you don’t have access to a large pasture, you can also train your goats to a lead and tie them out in areas of your yard that are not fenced. This is a good option for when you are outside doing other things and can supervise. You can also feed them forage in the form of ...
There are many things that goats cannot eat, including: Meat Tomatoes Eggplant Citrus fruits Garlic Onions Fruits containing a pit Chocolate Certain plants are toxic for goats. Make sure your goat doesn’t have access to: Milkweed Rhododendron ...
If you will be feeding hay to your goats, then you need to know how much you will need for the year. This will allow you to plan both financially and will give you an idea of how much you will need to be looking for as the haying season ends at the end of summer.This hay calcu...
like cellulose (wood pulp), or imitation crab meat. Additionally, there’s way too much sodium added to these meals and they can give you a serious case of water-weight bloat and bubble gut.