But if you’re playing or planning to play Conan Exiles, you probably want to know what is coming next… As we all play together through early access we will continuously be updating and improving Conan Exiles as well as fixing bugs and issues. We will listen very closely to feedback from...
Journey System Revamp–The new system encourages both new and veteran players to complete each journey, taking you on unexpected adventures with valuable rewards. Mek-kamoses’ Spire–The spire’s lightcan be seenpiercingthe sky fromacross a great distance, drawing Exiles to the new hub where th...
In June 2017 yousaidthat Conan Exiles would run at 4K resolution on Xbox One X. However, when the game received the Xbox One X enhancement you stated that it was running at 1440p resolution. Was it because the Xbox One X somehow turned out to be less powerful or more difficult to expl...