Get the facts.Knowledge is power. The more information you have about what to expect, the more prepared and hopefully less stressed you’ll be. Talk to your health care team about the type andstage of breast canceryou have. Find out about your treatment options and the success rates for e...
Finding out you have breast cancer is huge news. WebMD helps you deal with your diagnosis and plan for what's ahead.
What patients need to do after a cancer diagnosis is to deal with their feelings of embarrassment, fear, anger, anxiety, and depression, take a good look at where their cancer is on the spectrum, and figure out what to expect from their treatment, according to an expert. (Credit: Getty ...
What No Brochure Says to Expect after Breast Cancer Surgery
also have more opportunities to avoid complications as they’re able to monitor their health. Thus, after a cancer diagnosis, it’s important to follow-up on a regular basis for several months to make sure the treatment is working and that the cancer isn’t growing or becoming too rampant....
What happens before, during and after a patient undergoesradiation therapy? Here’s a look at what this treatment involves. Radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells without damaging nearby healthy organs...
You can expect some aching and discomfort for the first two to three days after your vasectomy. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. Wearing tight-fitting or athletic underwear can help by better supporting your scrotum. ...
At the 2024 Miami Breast Cancer Conference, CURE® sat down with Dr. Jennifer Litton, from the Department of Breast Medical Oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, who explained what patients can expect when on these hormone therapies — especially if they have not yet...
In one pivotal instant your life has changed and there will be no turning back. How will you accept, adjust and adapt to being "someone who has cancer"? Well, first, you are still the same person. But now you have adefinitive diagnosiscalling for your immediate attention. ...