When recovering from gastro,it's good to avoid caffeine and alcohol for several days, as these can worsen dehydration. But you don't need to restrict your diet.
When untreated, blockage of the colon can cause perforated bowel and/or intestines. Trauma to the abdominal region, either from compression, such as from a seat belt during a serious car accident, or from puncture, such as a stab wound, are probably the easiest signals that the bowel ...
And gynecologist in the U.S prescribed me Boniva and insisted for me to take it which I didn’t when I saw all the side effects! I’m French and when I went to France I went to see the Dr. with my bone density resistis. She told me to walk, weighbearing excercices, to take ...
I used to go to the gym a lot and drank protein shakes to put on weight. I have come to the conclusion that these things seems to appear when you eat high fat and so much protein in your diet that your body can't digest it. I'm going to stop the shakes and do more running ...
I used to go to the gym a lot and drank protein shakes to put on weight. I have come to the conclusion that these things seems to appear when you eat high fat and so much protein in your diet that your body can't digest it. I'm going to stop the shakes and do more running ...
All I know for sure is that I can guarantee myself a massive stomach ache and often even hours on the toilet whenever I eat anything with much carrageenan in it. I had an episode several months ago and didn't even realize it was carrageenan until several days later when my wife pointed...