英语翻译if you were a visiting alien with incredibly powerful technology,what would you do:hide youself away and keep quiet,or land and take over the earth?此处,take over 答案 如果您是一个拥有令人难以置信的强大技术的外星人,你会怎样做:把自己隐藏起来并保持沉默,还是登录并控制地球?take overv.把...
瑞克和莫蒂第2季第6集台词 英文中文Geez, I can't believe we found a version of earth真不敢相信我们找到了这个平行宇宙里的地球...
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Here is a video all about what Refined Sugar is doing to You, your children, your grand children and all adults. If you're trying to share ANY truth with someone and they can't understand it or they're having issues in their life, it's because of the consumption of refind sugar. ...
With each light year being equivalent to 6 trillion miles, this would be an enormous and extremely long journey to make. To get the probe to Earth before the alien civilization crumbled to dust, its inhabitants would need to invent a way to travel faster than the speed of light. Dive ...
Nope, this has nothing to do with the dino series Primeval. It’s a gritty and bloody western from the writer of The Revenant. American Primeval a six-episode run set in the earliest days of the formation of the modern US, where the familiar furniture of western movies has not yet been...
We'd get close enough to make covert visitations but would still not make contact by any sort of signals or physical contact. In other words, we'd be secret agents. Even with lots of remote surveillance, it would be difficult to tell if the alien society was one t...
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In other words, when Captain Kirk beams down to an alien planet, an analysis of his atomic structure passes through the transporter room to his desired location, where it builds a Kirk replica. Meanwhile, the original dematerializes. Since 1998, scientists haven't quite worked their way up ...