If you’ve ever bought a couple of russets thinking you were going to make potato salad, or a pound of fingerlings thinking they’d make a really unique mashed potato situation…you feel my pain. Waxy and floury potatoes are not interchangeable—your gloppy potato salad or gluey mash will ...
Place your unpeeled, unsliced and well-scrubbed potatoes in a large pot and add cold water to an inch above the potatoes. Season the cold water with 1 tablespoon of salt. Cover and bring to a gentle boil. Using a sharp knife, check doneness, the knife should easily go through the po...
I found out first hand how much zucchini one little plant can yield. I shouldn't even say "little" plant, as the one I grew last year got so big so fast! I loved being able to give the extra zucchini away to friends and relatives who were happy to get them. It was my first att...