Telegram is relatively safe to chat on due to its privacy policy. The founder, to confirm this, has asked that an intruder try and hack into the Telegram platform, and if they succeed, he has a price for them. Telegram is compatible with different devices, iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, or...
Apple is working on an update for the low-cost iPad, which hasn't been refreshed since 2022. As an entry-level product, the iPad doesn't get a lot of attention and it's not often the focus of rumors, but we've heard a little bit about what might be coming to the iPa...
That's why it can be easy to forget it. But that's also why you tend to find that you've forgotten it just at the moment you really need to log in. Apple does have you covered with multiple ways of getting your Apple ID password back, but it also has to balance security. If it...
I plan on buying two iPads when the new ones are released: an iPad Air for my wife and an iPad Pro for myself. The main reason to get one for my wife is...
The Mainstream Media Apple Vision Pro Reviews Are In - Here's What They Say David Heaney 30 January 2024 Share to Reddit Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Headsets & Tech Watch Meta's New 'Audio To Expression' Quest SDK Feature In Action David Heaney 18 December...
Instagram outage reportssaw a similar spike, with over 77,000 outage reports coming into Down Detector around the same time. Related Your Google Maps app is about to look different. Here’s what’s changing The iPhone SE 4 camera specs have leaked. Here’s what we know ...
You want someone to get a fresh iPhone or iPad, but you also want to be sure no one gets your data with it. Here's how to make trading in, giving, or selling your iOS device painless for everyone.
This was possible previously but only for specific weekdays of a season (in seasonal settings) or for specific dates using pricing manager rules with an unavailability message. The new feature is much more convenient to use if you have a number of dates throughout the year where arrivals/...
If you've ever handed your iPhone or iPad to a baby or toddler to entertain them while you do something else, you'll probably know just how easily their little fingers can navigate into all manner of screens and settings they shouldn't be messing with. Fortunately, Apple includes a featu...
I have a problem with or join Reddit-like issues discussion Most reported problems APP 52% WEBSITE 47% What to do if the site PATREON.COM is unavailable? If PATREON.COM works, but you cannot access the site or its individual page, try one of the possible solutions: ...