Antibiotics are given to treat pneumonia caused by bacteria. You may be given antibiotics as pills or through your IV. Steroids are given to reduce swelling in your lungs. You may need extra oxygen if your blood oxygen level is lower than it should be. You may get oxygen through a mask ...
If you’re takingbirth control pills, antibiotics may keep them from working as well as they should, so speak to your doctor about whether alternative birth control methods might be a good idea. Women can also getvaginal yeast infectionswhile taking antibiotics. The symptoms include itching, burn...
If your adenoiditis might be coming from a run-of-the-mill virus, such as the common cold, you probably won't need any treatment. You shouldn't take antibiotics to treat a viral illness. Often, the swelling in your adenoids will go away within five to seven days as you get over the...
The primary purpose of the interviews was to understand how GGFs make decisions regarding potential investments and the extent to which they can contribute to the development of public goods, such as antibiotics. We summarise our interviewees’ answers in the following sections and quote specific ...
A biosimilar is not considered a “generic” in the same way that a traditional, small molecule drug (for example: ibuprofen or acetaminophen) is determined to be a generic. Biosimilars are "similar" because they are biologics that do not have to be exact copies of the active ingredient, as...
amoxicillin, and also doxycycline, do not interfere with contraceptive pill performance. Nonetheless, to be secure, it is suggested to utilize an extra technique of birth control, such as prophylactics, while taking prescription antibiotics that are known to potentially influence birth control pills. ...
Many people have a lot of exposure to mosquitoes and therefore build a resistance for mosquito bites. If they’re lucky, their skin does not react to a bite in the same way regular people do. Much like taking antibiotics, if you take them too often, your body will become accustomed to ...
Most people will get better from a Shigella infection without going to the hospital or taking antibiotics. The most common recommendation is bed rest and fluids, and patients can recover within 5-7 days. But sometimes the infection can be serious. Shigella bacteriaranks asone of the leading caus...
severe coughing and trouble catching their breath may need additional medical treatment to help stabilize them. They may also not have a virus — or perhaps they had a virus initially, but then they also developed a bacterial infection that may require antibiotics. Such individuals should visit a...
They may also not have a virus — or perhaps they had a virus initially, but then they also developed a bacterial infection that may require antibiotics. Such individuals should visit a health care provider, and further testing may be recommended. Early diagnosis is essential for those who ...