If you select the monthly payment, your next choice will be whether you want to receive a single life benefit or a joint and survivor benefit. The first choice will result in a higher monthly payment, but when the recipient dies, the benefit stops. If the pensioner dies a month a...
I'm considering the purchase of a joint life annuity with 50% to the survivor. I received quotes from different agents and the numbers are different if the 50% payout only goes to the survivor as compared to when the 50% payout goes to either of us when the other person dies. Can ...
With a defined-benefit pension plan, the employer guarantees that the employee will receive a specific monthly payment after retiring and for life, regardless of the performance of the underlying investment pool. The employer is thus liable for pension payments to the retiree for a dollar amount t...
You will want to be sure that your health care plan is considered creditable for Medicare Part B when delaying Part B coverage. Examples of coverage that is not creditable for Medicare Part B include: TRICARE Veterans Benefits COBRA CHAMPVA Retiree plans Individual Marketplace plan What is ...
Where and when do we stand, and what is beyond the glass? – Bird Flight Madame Zenista The twilight tree… Skyscape # 005 Until Debt Tear Us Apart – Travel with Intent Mittened Hands Sky High This, that and the other thing Weekly Photo Challenge: Evanescent…monarch UNGEMALTES ...
(1) One client, male retiree who has been rushed to hospital 4 times last week unable to urine or make bowel release. The Doctors have told him that he has kidney stones. Hmmm… He also had a large burning and itchy rash all over his back...
Some people decide to take the single-life annuity. When the employee dies, the pension payout stops, but a large, tax-free death benefit is paid out to the surviving spouse, which can be invested. Can your pension fund ever run out of money? Theoretically, yes. But if your pension fu...