So I studied music technology in Cardiff, in erm… the university south Wales. And then, I was… my sort of, ideal job at the time would have been erm… a studio producer or studio engineer.我在南威尔士的卡迪夫大学学习音乐技术 然后,我...我当时的理想工作是...录音室制作人或录音室工程师。
First up, don’t miss out on visiting theSydney Opera House, one of themost obvious and popular things to do in Sydney. Arguably the youngestWorld Heritage sitein the world, it’s a feat of the imagination, not to mention home to world-class performances in its multiple theatres. Some o...
What to Do after a Motor Vehicle Accident in New South WalesStack, Maurie
IsettledinSouthWalesforaerm... forawoman... differenttothatone.我在南威尔士定居,为了一个呃,为了一个女人…不是那个人。AndhowareyoulikingBrightonsofar?到目前为止你觉得布莱顿怎么样?Er... it'squitewindy.呃,风很大。Hiya, welcometoeasyEnglish. SoI'mdownontheUndercliff, duringtheEasterbreakand...
in the development of their institutional policies or strategic plans that seek to facilitate a sense of sexual well-being that extends beyond the absence of disease (see, for example: ACON in New South Wales, Australia [28]; Gay Men’s Health Crisis in New York, USA [29]). In England...
In November 2019, fires spread (蔓延) across Lake Innes Nature Reserve, once home to koalas (树袋熊). About 600 koalas died while they were running away from the fires. As a result, koalas in New South Wales, Australia may die out by 2050. ...
He grew up in South Wales.2 What was his dream when he was a child? His dream was to become a rock s 61、tar.3 What inspired him to pursue his dream? Many of his music idols died before they were 27, which inspired him to do something about his dream before its too late. 49...
A country town – lots to do We’ve often headed out in the country to see what there is in a little country town nearby. Sometimes we’re just passing through and make a lovely discovery (Check out the pie shop in Bourke, New South Wales) that you want to visit again. Here’s a...
Neon Glow in The Dark Draw with a Drag Queen Workshop – Surry Hills, Sydney | 27 February, 2025 LGBTQIA+ Blak & Deadly: The First Nations Gala Concert – City Recital Hall, Sydney | 27 February, 2025 Art Galleries Queer Art After Hours – Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney | 26...
Things to do in Newcastle New South Wales Cheap Things to Do Sydney New South Wales Tours and Travels Wine Tasting Tours in Hunter Valley Bus Tours from Sydney Hunter valley to Byron Bay Things to do in Wollongong New South Wales Temples Brewery Forest... ...