During Emperor Meiji’s reign, Japan created a new constitution, and established a parliament, the Imperial Diet (since reorganized as today’s National Diet). The nation’s capital moved from Kyoto to Edo, which was renamed Tokyo. Japan also sent diplomats around the globe to find out what ...
Nevertheless, its use in electricity generation has actually grown 91.2% since 1997, the year when the first global climate agreement was signed in Kyoto, Japan.Renewables on the RiseHowever, even as non-renewables enjoy their time in the sun, their days could be numbered....
Our limited time in Osaka means we have to carefully plan out what we want to visit in the city, and as history and architecture buffs Osaka Castle is obviously among the places on top of our list. Japan’s railway system might seem a little daunting for a first-timer, but thanks to ...
File:Bullet Train Kyoto Japan 1997.JPG - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org Clean Streets Recovery Plans from Earthquakes Japan is a world-leader in thwarting the risk of natural disasters.In the first episode of this special edition of Target Japan, we head to Sendai, the capit... Excell...