Get expert advice on where to stay and what to do in Japan. Find the best hotels, top attractions, must try food and shopping destinations in Japan.
Himeji (姫路) is most famous for its magnificent castle,Himeji Castle, widely considered to be Japan's best and most beautiful surviving feudalcastle. The castle is designated both a national treasure and aUNESCO world heritage site. With half a million inhabitants, Himeji is the second largest...
Get expert advice on where to stay and what to do in Japan. Find the best hotels, top attractions, must try food and shopping destinations in Japan.
Japan's first permanent capital. 4.4 ★★★ 5,900 Kinosaki•• Pleasant, old-fashioned hot spring resort. 4.1 ★★★ 497 4 Osaka•• Largest city of the Kinki Region. 4.1 ★★★ 7,502 5 Himeji•• Site of Japan's most beautiful feudal castle. 4.1 ★★★ 3...
What to Do in Himeji No, Himeji’s hardly one of the most diverse places to visit in Japan. But what Himeji does, it does well. Very well, indeed. Hidden among the traffic-laden streets lies one of Japan’s most well-kept secrets among foreign visitors. Make a quick trip and discover...
Top cultural sites of Japan: monuments, theaters and churches Himeji Castle, Osaka Location on the map: Interesting facts: » The curved flooring above the moat leads to the white castle on the high hell. Originally, it was built as a military post. » The road winds among multiple ...
I'd suggest going to Himeji in the day and then staying overnight in either Kobe or Osaka; Osaka is a great night-life city, Kobe is laid back, and more residential (not touristy). >> I know Japan isn't a typical beach country, however its an...
Bushido has enjoyed a long and dynamic history in Japan. This code of honor originated among the samurai warriors of the 16th and 17th centuries, yet it has been reinterpreted and reapplied even after the disestablishment of the samurai in the 19th century....
Syllabaries are sets of fixed syallables—combinations of consonants and vowels of various lengths—that are used to represent a language in writing; syllabaries have been associated not only with Japanese but with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, and with the Indian Devanagari script that is used ...
Tips for eating in Osaka, Japan Before trying some of the best food in Osaka, take a look at my post oneverything you need to know before going to Japan. I included a lot of travel information, including how to get around Japan and other travel tips. ...