—Alex Yelovich, University of Maryland, class of '25. “One thing I do get questions about is what I actually do. This is a fair question as before college I could not tell you what a math major does. Basically for each foundational class, we start with nothing, just a few assumptio...
While statistics majors often take some computer programming or computer science courses, learning programming languages likePythonandRcan be useful for statistics degree holders who work in the data science field. Learning how to build charts and graphs usingdata visualizationtools can also be a useful...
Thomas Jefferson commissioned Indiana's 156-mile Historic National Road in 1806, making it the country's first federally funded interstate. For those looking for a retro experience, a pit stop atNational Road Antique Mallin Cambridge City is essential. With over 85 antique dealers, finding vintage...
Welcome to year four of everything I’m reading, watching and listening to in regard to the multiple planetary crises’ we face (the polycrisis), as well as articles on important social issues, because how societies function is fundamental if we want to have a stable e...
Loc:Western Maryland Posted28 January 2025 - 03:45 PM Sebastian_Sajaroff, on 27 Jan 2025 - 09:11 AM, said: Syrtis Major and the polar cap are visible even on mediocre nights... Agreed. These are fairly easy for me in my AT80ED and I do exceedingly little planetary observing, so ob...
Did you go to Lakes Jam? Did you have a great time? Do you think you had a great time, but maybe can't remember exactly what happened for most of it? Perhaps you woke up one morning and realized you couldn't find your phone, your keys, your sunglasses; or possibly even your walle...
To systematically review and quantitatively synthesise the evidence for the impact of different types of school-based interventions on the reduction of sch
Maryland: Mason and Dixon Scenic Byway Ease into the 102-mile Mason and Dixon Scenic Byway with downtime (and maybe a little fishing) at the Prettyboy Reservoir in Hampstead. If passing through Westminster during the middle of July, cruise over to Common Ground on the Hill Music & Arts Fes...
Maryland: Mason and Dixon Scenic Byway Ease into the 102-mile Mason and Dixon Scenic Byway with downtime (and maybe a little fishing) at the Prettyboy Reservoir in Hampstead. If passing through Westminster during the middle of July, cruise over to Common Ground on the Hill Music & Arts Fes...
There are several different theories as to what these tubes represent and what their function is. Many think that they can track your speed and if you are over the limit you will get a ticket in the mail? Part of that is accurate. Let's explore.Sign...