Consider coming up with ideas together and making room in your schedules for quality time. For example, you might offer to help with some of the household responsibilities so she’ll have more free time. When you do this, you can strengthen your relationship with your mother and develop a...
s offered. In your childhood (“dysfunctional household - alcoholism, mental illness”), he provided but was distant. It sounds as though he would like it all to come to an end – and perhaps he’s right. Find what you can ‘Honor him for”, and leave the rest to him. You can’...
If this resolution does not occur, however, due to an abusive household or other situations that prevent a final identification between the girl and her mother, then an Electra complex can develop. Since the girl never goes beyond the competitive drive against her mother for her father, she of...
But it makes sense. I grew up in an abusive household with a dominating aunt. There were several years of not fighting back, several years of taking the abuse, several years of not raising my voice. I grew up feeling undeserving of love. I grew up in a household of shame, of never ...
Alex is on leave from a Materials Engineering PhD program and, while on leave, happened to get a dream job and is now faced with choosing between the PhD program and the job. Alex recently left an abusive marriage and is thinking critically about the sort of future they’d like...
It feels like being in an abusive relationship, but instead of a spouse bullying me and putting me down about myself, my kid does it. I told him it is going to take more than 'I'm sorry' this time and have been just in my room cleaning and working on stuff (sort of having...
household now, or why and who sent weapons to Mexico that killed hundreds, or why and who allowed our citizens to be killed in Libya, or any coverups of these, or why China is allowed to pollute the world and steal our secrets, or where our right to privacy went in the last decade...
And this couple then said to him – the woman was obviously the person who wore the pants in the household, right, in this couple — so she says, daifu, we have been to see the medical, the BioMedical doctors. And they say that we have the same virus, it’s flu. So you just ...
Part of the problem is theextra work that women take on, both in the workplace and at home. In households, even before the pandemic, women dedicated more than twice as many hours as men to caring for household members. At work, women senior leaders do more than their male peers to hel...
Jill: First, we are imperfect parents raising imperfect kids in an imperfect world.In other words, we all struggle with something. I say this so you won’t think I am judging you or your situation. I am only trying to get you to look at things in a different way, to look at things...