When you’re dealing with a stressful situation or going through a hard time, people in your life can help you. When someone who cares knows what you’re going through, it helps you feel understood and not so alone.1.. Problems seem smaller when you talk about them with the right perso...
根据空前“In this kind of situation, what can we do?(在这种情况下,我们能做些什么?)”可知,上文是个问题。选项D“The only advisable solution that I would offer you is to think outside the box.(我能给你的唯一明智的解决办法就是跳出思维定式。)”是针对上文问题给出的答案,同时内容上和空后...
19、to solve the problem A. To have someone to do Cathy's job when she's away.B. To cut off some training.C. To replace Cathy with a team member.4.Who has caused some problems amongst the team in the past A. Frank.B. Cathy.C. Gary.5.Which of the following statements about Ca...
As with most emergency situations, being prepared in advance is essential. Survival tips for hostages aren't part of the standard curriculum at school. So if you have ever wondered what you should do when taken hostage, this list breaks down what you can expect in such a situation, and off...
Do you change your eating habits when you feel more stressed? Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you feel full? Do you eat to avoid facing up to a stressful situation? Do you eat to soothe uncomfortable feelings, like boredom, loneliness, or anxiety?
A: It aims to get a generic idea. B:Topic sentences are to be covered. C:Skimming can be done randomly. D:Capitalized words are to be covered. 答案: 【Skimming can be done randomly.】 3、问题:Scanning refers to get _ in the text. 选项: A:a general idea B:specific information C:...
Apply these lessons from the past to the job you want now. How can controlling stress help in this new position?Sample Answer 1 – Delivery Driver Job“When I worked in a grocery store, the holidays were always stressful because they meant tight deadlines to keep shelves full. To avoid get...
51happened;it?llcontinuetohappen,andisn?titgreatthatwe?resolinguisticallyflexibleandcreative?”( )5.WhydoesthetextbeginwithKatherine?sconflictwithherson?A.Toleadintheuseofperiodintexting.B.Toemphasizethegreatpowerofwords.C.Toshowyoungsters?attitudestowardstexting.D.Tosuggesttherightuseofpunctuationmarks.( ...
Chronic stress:A person’s psychological and/or physiological response to experiencing a long-term stressful situation. This type of stress can be caused by things like living in unsafe conditions, ongoing loneliness, or being consistently overworked. The object, situation, or person who caused the...
amost people find it stressful to cope with and difficult situations. but if we look at a new situation as a challenge instead of a threat, our brain will be better prepared to adapt to it. what do you think is the role of challenge in your life? how will you prepare yourself to ...