Many people know what it feels like to be ignored and ghosted after sex. Not only is your ego completely crushed, but you just don’t understandwhysomeone would do that to you. Okay, they didn’t need to propose marriage but the least they could have done was tell you they’re no lo...
While cellulitis will likely continue to worsen, especially if it isn’t treated with antibiotics, you can expect the redness and swelling triggered by Skeeter syndrome to start to get better after two to three days. Keep in mind that many bites and stings do worsen over the first day or t...
Though your phobia can be an irrational fear for others, a single thought of that object or situation can actually make you anxious, and if in case you are exposed to that situation, the terror is automatic and overwhelming. The experience can be so scary or nerve-wracking, that you may ...