Having thick blood is another condition that stresses the circulatory system and leads to high blood pressure. Blood should have the consistency of water, but many people have thick blood. This can be due to too much fat in the blood resulting from medical conditions such as diabetes, hypothyro...
High blood pressure, or HBP, pushes too hard on your artery walls. This damages the inside and causes fat, or “plaque,” to collect. That plaque makes your arteries more stiff and narrow, so they can’t do their job as well. 2/15 Aneurysm It’s when pressure pushes out a section...
Over time, high blood pressure can slow blood flow to the retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eyeball. It can also slow the travel of blood to the optic nerve, which helps send signals to your brain. Either may blur your vision, or in some cases make it ...
What to Do When Blood Pressure Is Between 130/80 and 139/89?mm?Hg?blood pressureguidelineshypertensionprognosistherapyCorresponding Author Download high-res image (224KB) Download full-size imagedoi:10.1016/j.jacc.2018.07.010PaoloFondazioneVerdecchia...
W: Usually people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, so we call it the silent killer. M: What do you use to check for high blood pressure? W: I am going to put a cuff on you to get a reading. M: What does the reading tell you? W: I get an idea of the pressure...
The most successful treatments for high blood pressure, either systolic or diastolic, are those that are undertaken sooner rather than later.When the question asked is, what causes high blood pressure, the answers are not always easy to spot. Yet, doctors do know how to treat this condition ...
High blood pressure occurs due to the tightening or stiffness of very small arteries High blood pressureorhypertensionaffects around 80 million Americans. Hypertensionis also known as “the silent killer” because it often goes unnoticed and may cause serious complications such as kidney diseases,heart...
High blood pressure may lead to stroke, heart attack, vision loss and sexual dysfunction among other things.Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure Most people with high blood pressure have no signs or symptoms of it. That’s why the condition has been dubbed a “silent killer.” In rare...
Dr. Sica answers the question: 'Hypertension Versus High Blood Pressure?' ByABC News January 31, 2008, 1:44 AM -- Question: What is the difference between hypertension and high blood pressure, and what do blood pressure numbers mean? Answer: Well, hypertension and high blood pressure...
High blood pressure puts stress on your arteries and the heart muscle — find out what you should do and why even elevated blood pressure that isn’t hypertension can be dangerous. Author: Norton Healthcare Published: May 25, 2022 | Updated: April 5, 2024 The cause of high blood pressure...