My poor baby has multiple allergies besides the foods, but the vet said the foods are usually the easiest to start eliminating. I might have to get an extract made for pine and grass allergy, but I want to try this first. This year suddenly became a consistent problem to the point she...
Environmental airborne allergytriggers you may breathe in year-round include dust, mold, and pet hair. Contact allergiesinclude latex, found in items such as condoms and medical gloves. Latex allergies can be very serious. Insect sting allergiesmay be caused by bees, hornets, fire ants, or oth...
Find out what causes allergies and discover ways to help reduce your exposure to common airborne allergens and help relieve your allergy symptoms.
ID tags should have the pet’s name, any medical conditions or allergies, and the owner’s contact information printed clearly and distinctly, and attached to the pet’scollar. PetHub takes things one-step up the technological ladder by providing owners with a tag with aunique QR codelinked ...
Discover the main symptoms of pet allergies, and how cat allergies and dog allergies can affect your daytime functioning and quality of life.
When it comes to food allergies and intolerances, most experts will tell you there’s no one size fits all. What works very well for one pet might not work for another. Patience is important. You may need to try several diets before you find the right one for your individual dog or ca...
Discover the main triggers for children's allergies, as well as the common symptoms they may cause, and how to avoid and manage them.
Pet allergies are common in the UK. Find out how to improve your health and reduce pet dander allergies.
What To Do If Your Cat Is Sneezing Blood If your pet is sneezing blood and you know that it’s suffering from allergies, call your vet and consult on the medications you already have at hand. If a foreign body is stuck in your pet’s nasal passage, you might need to take it to th...
Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is swelling inside your nose caused by an allergen. An allergen can be anything that causes an allergic reaction. Allergies to weeds, grass, trees, or mold often cause seasonal allergic rhinitis. Indoor dust mites or pet dander can also cause allergic rhinitis...