Secondary periodontal pockets form as disease progresses from gingivitis to loss of tooth support. Pockets occur due to apical migration of the epithelial attachment caused by the destruction of supporting periodontal tissues.EBSCO_AspDVM: The Newsmagazine of Veterinary Medicine...
Factors affecting IL-1-mediated collagen metabolism by fibroblasts and the pathogenesis of periodontal disease: a review of the literature. Fibroblasts have been studied extensively for their contribution to connective tissue destruction in diseases where the metabolism of extracellular matrix ... Havemose...
That includes understanding what puts you at risk for periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease. Learn more about what causes periodontitis so you can protect your smile. What Is Periodontitis? Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease or periodontitis, refers to the infectio...
periodontal research were analysed for their contributions to the understanding of periodontal diseases.Conclusion: The data generated by the use of 'omic technologies have huge potential to inform paradigm shifts in our understanding of periodontal diseases, but data management, analysis and interpretation...
Understand periodontal disease. Learn about its stages, causes, prevention strategies, and treatments. Gum swelling: causes and treatments | Colgate® Dealing with gum swelling? Find out what to do and how to treat it for quick relief and improved oral health.Oral...
Preventing periodontal gum disease in your chihuahua If caught early, periodontal gum disease can be prevented, treated and even reversed. Here’s what you need to do: Brush your chihuahua’s teeth everyday Take your chihuahua in to your vet for routine oral exams and cleanings ...
Inflammatory bowel disease Periodontal disease3– and other dental diseases Gastroenteritis, or another digestive disease Hyperthyroidism Diabetes Left untreated,these could be fatal over time. And since cats don’t tend to draw attention to themselves when sick, it can beeasy to miss the early sympt...
There are many risk factors for periodontal disease; some you can control and others you cannot. Although age is not a risk factor, often older people have more severe disease because there has been more time for damage to take place. Risk factors include: smoking, inadequate oral hygiene, ...
It's really all kinds of periodontal disease happen more frequently in diabetics. It is that much more important therefore to have the best dental hygiene that you can if you have diabetes, and again, a lot of it is a function of anywhere you’re vulnerable in diabetes. Th...
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