Fever in adults. What to do when the cause is not obvious. A fever can be trivial or serious, fleeting or protracted. When the cause is not obvious, a variety of diagnostic testing methods along with some ingenuity on the physician's part will usually be needed. Dr Hurley outlines the ...
You have a fever. You are planning to get pregnant or are currently pregnant. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care. Care Agreement © Copyright Merative 2025 Information is for End User's use only and may not be sold, redistributed or otherwise used for commercial pu...
recently had surgery or an infection. Tell him or her if you have any medical conditions, such as diabetes or arthritis. You may also need blood or urine tests to check for infection. Ask about other tests you may need if blood and urine tests do not explain the cause of your fever. ...
so the treatment for hemorrhoids with adults can be different than the one with kids. Operation is not the first choice. Maybe some natural remedies can help. In any case, I suggest you to take him to the pediatric surgeon. He will know what to do. I hope everything will be all right...
Calling a doctor for fever in adults Call your doctor if your temperature is over 102 F and it doesn’t go down within 1-2 hours after you take a fever-reducing medication. If you have a fever with a cough or shortness of breath and think you might have come into contact with someon...
What is a fever with no other symptoms? And yes, it's completely possible for adults to develop a fever with no other symptoms, and for doctors to never truly find the cause. Viral Infections can commonly cause fevers, and such infections include COVID-19, cold or the flu, airway infect...
What are the symptoms of coronavirus? What can you expect with COVID variants? Fever, fatigue and dry cough; nasal congestion, runny nose and sore throat; diarrhea; and shortness of breath are signs of infection.
In children and adults, a fever is defined as a body temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit when taken rectally. Other types of thermometers can be more convenient but are less accurate, so rectal temperatures are still the gold standard in children under 4 years. For older children, ...
Experts (专家) say that adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Teenagers need nine to ten hours. And schoolaged children may need more than ten hours of sleep. Children who do not have enough sleep can't do their work very well. They won't be wise and they ...
and it may be stressful for you as a parent, especially if you’re not sure what might be causing the fever. Find out what symptoms to look out for, what temperature is considered a high fever in babies, and what you can do to bring down your little one’s temperature and keep them...