bipolar depressionpharmacotherapytreatment guidelinesresearchevidence-based medicineantidepressantsmood stabilizersBipolar depression is a severe, potentially lethal disorder for which there are no specific, FDA-indicated pharmacotherapies. Research in this area has been limited, and most treatments are......
and SAMe is a widely-used coenzyme. Both do seem to improve symptoms in many people who take it for major depressive disorder. Forbipolar depression, though, St. John’s Wort and SAMe can be dangerous. They can induce mania as well as interfere withmedications taken for bipolar depr...
Bipolar disorder can be regarded as an umbrella term for at least two forms of mood disorder, bipolar I, and bipolar II disorders. The bipolar I disorder involved manic episodes while bipolar II disorder involves hypomanic and depressive episodes....
Occasionally, people with depression or bipolar disorder suffer from severe symptoms that are best helped by hospital admission. If you are supporting someone with a mental illness, it is a good idea to prepare for a crisis before it happens. Find out who to contact and write a plan of wha...
Just to make one thing clear: moodiness or mood swings are not the same thing as bipolar disorder. Patients do often cycle between two different states, hence the term “bi-polar,” but referring to the phases of mania and depression (not meanness or niceness). Here’s what the phases ...
Is it possible to have bipolar and borderline personality disorder? What is affective mood disorder? Is bipolar disorder genetic? How is bipolar depression different from other forms of depression? What is the most effective treatment for bipolar disorder?
Research has consistently linked rumination with the onset and persistence of depression. It can diminish critical thinking and problem-solving; lead to insomnia, anger issues, and substance abuse; and push away critical social support. Understanding Rumination’s Effects on Bipolar Disorder ...
This commonly includes, but is not limited to, the following: Major depressive disorder means your symptoms are really distressing and they last longer than two weeks. Bipolar depression is specific to people with bipolar disorder who have alternating periods of low (depressive) and extremely high ...
This chapter begins with the critical premise that the biomdedical model of psychiatry does not hold up well to intellectual or experiential scrutiny. I will not argue for this premise since the biomodel has already been subject to deep critique from consumers, activists, artists, academics, crit...
Bipolar I and II disorders.Thesemood disordersinclude swings of highs (mania) to lows (depression). It can be tricky to tell the difference between bipolar disorder and depression. Cyclothymic disorder.This involves mood swings that are milder than those of bipolar disorder. ...