Tad-y is an associate professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, the vice president of clinical affairs for the Colorado Hospital Association and a hospital medicine physician at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital. Most Popular Patient Advice How to Best Prepare for a Colonoscopy ...
There was a famous neuropsychology case study of a patient referred to as patient HM, who became like a real-life Ten-Second Tom after brain surgery to treat a seizure disorder. In terms of his seizures, the surgery...
During a seizure, the brain's normal electrical activity goes haywire. Neurons (brain cells) communicate withelectrical impulses, but during a seizure, these impulses become chaotic. Some describe a seizure as an "electrical storm of the brain." This can lead to a wide range of symptoms—from...
Call your local emergency number (911 in the US) for any of the following:You cannot wake your child. Your child has a seizure. Your child stops responding to you or faints. Your child has blurry or double vision. Your child's speech becomes slurred or confused. Your child has weakness...
You want to harm yourself or another person. You cannot be woken. You have a seizure. When should I seek immediate care? You have another head injury. When should I call my doctor? You have new or worsening symptoms. You have trouble sleeping or doing your daily activities. ...
Certain types of medications can lead to or play a role in insomnia, such as:101112 Antidepressants Antiseizure drugs Asthma medications Heart medications (e.g., albuterol) Oral contraceptives Over-the-counter allergy, cold, or flu medications Steroids Thyroid hormone preparations 7. Mental Health ...
A patient has both diabetes insipidus and Addison's disease. How will these conditions affect the patient's ability to regulate blood pressure? What is the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer disease? What medicine is used for Bell's palsy?
It's a medical disorder, 抑郁症是一种医学上的情绪障碍 and it won't go away just because you want it to. 它无法靠意志来改变 It lingers for at least two consecutive weeks, 它会持续至少两周的时间 and significantly interferes with one's ability to work, ...
Now, a new guideline announced here today (April 20) at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting may offer some advice for this gray area. Currently, most patients and doctors end up waiting, without treatment, to see ifa second seizure occurs, said Dr. Jacqueline French, a neurology...
Most of us have experienced this at some point in our lives when a small amount of liquid goes into our windpipe and causes us to cough and feel uncomfortable for a short period.Some pets may cough when an aspiration event occurs, but some pets do not, called “silent aspiration,” ...