Raising the bruised region above your heart to enhance blood flow from the bruised tissue, if possible. Using an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to control swelling. This should be left for about 15 minutes for each hour. Resting the bruised area. ...
I made pulled chicken sandwiches (a favorite of Zoe’s) because the poor girl had to have toenail surgery and I thought she could use a favorite dinner. We had Sun Chips and fruit salad on the side, and I got Zoe some strawberry ice cream for dessert. Thursday We had slow-cooker Japa...
I never dreamed that a bruised tomato might help save my life. If boredom is one defining feature of prison life, then ingenuity is the other. Tumblr From Sophia’s stylish silver shower shoes made from duct tape and Morello's Kool-Aid as mascara/lip gloss to the hooch at Tricia's ...